Collection Performance: Adding Items To a Dictionary

When incorporating items into a Dictionary, the prevalent approach in the code I review involves using the Add() method, as illustrated below:

var collection = new Dictionary<string, Person<Address>>(people.Count);

foreach (var person in personCollection)
    collection.Add(person.Key, person.Value);

An alternative approach is to utilize the TryAdd() method, which returns a Boolean, as demonstrated below:

var collection = new Dictionary<string,

foreach (var person in personCollection)
    _ = collection.TryAdd(person.Key, person.Value);

Benchmark Results

In the benchmark tests, it is evident that the overall performance of TryAdd() is only 1.003 times faster and allocates the same amount of bytes in memory as Add(). My analysis indicates that the performance degrades as more items are added to the collection. For instance, with a count of 16, TryAdd() is 1.073 times more performant. However, at the count of 2,048, the performance shows that using Add() is 1.003 times more performant.

When I setup my EditorConfig to check for these issues, it looks like this: dotnet_diagnostic.CA1864.severity = suggestion

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5 thoughts on “Collection Performance: Adding Items To a Dictionary

  1. This reads more like a testament to how well they’ve tried to make Add and TryAdd almost equal in performance, even though it’s much better to use TryAdd instead of ContainsKey

  2. You are testing two different use cases (apples vs oranges).

    Unconditionally add item to dictionary
    Check if item exists in dictionary and then if not add it

    If you want to make testing meaningful, you should add ContainsKey to #1 test

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