Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Random Is an Insecure Random Number Generator

Generating random numbers is very common in computer programming. There is a newer and more secure method for generating random numbers in .NET. It’s common to see many developers writing code to generate random numbers using the following example:

Random random = new Random();

// Generate a random integer between 0 and 100 (exclusive)
int result = random.Next(0, 100);

Using Random in the way described above is considered a cryptographically weak pseudo-random number generator, which could potentially allow an attacker to predict security-sensitive values. To address this concern, the .NET team now strongly recommends using the RandomNumberGenerator, as demonstrated in the code excerpt below, taken from the Spargine OSS:

private static readonly RandomNumberGenerator _randomNumberGenerator;

static RandomData()
    _randomNumberGenerator = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();

public static byte[] GenerateByteArray(double sizeInKb)
    var bytes = new Span<byte>(new byte[Convert.ToInt32(sizeInKb * 1024)]);

    lock (_lock)

    return bytes.ToArray();

Here are the compelling reasons to refactor your code and adopt the RandomNumberGenerator:

  • Security: RandomNumberGenerator offers a robust and secure method for generating random numbers, making it suitable for cryptographic operations and security-critical applications. In contrast, the Random class is not intended for such high-security purposes.
  • Quality: The randomness produced by RandomNumberGenerator is of superior quality and is not susceptible to the predictability concerns that can arise when using the Random class.

When I setup the CA5394 code analysis in my .editorConfig it looks like this: dotnet_diagnostic.CA5394.severity = warning


As demonstrated by the benchmark test results below, adopting the RandomNumberGenerator substantially boosts performance, yielding performance improvements of over fourfold in .NET 8!


Upon reviewing the codebase I utilized for this article, I identified 42 instances where the RandomNumberGenerator should be implemented.

For further guidance and insights, I highly recommend obtaining a copy of my book, “Rock Your Code: Coding Standards for Microsoft .NET” available on Additionally, to explore more performance tips for .NET, I encourage you to acquire the 3rd edition of “Rock Your Code: Code & App Performance for Microsoft .NET” also available on

To analyze your code using the same settings I used in these articles, I encourage you to incorporate my EditorConfig file. It can be found at the following link: I update this file quarterly, so remember to keep yours up to date as well. I hope you will check out my OSS project Spargine by using this link:

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