Rock Your Code: Coding Standards for Microsoft .NET (8th Edition)

Today I am announcing the 8th edition of my book titled Rock Your Code: Coding Standards for Microsoft .NET, now available on Amazon.

This book serves as the most comprehensive compendium of contemporary Microsoft .NET coding standards. Historically, Microsoft consolidated coding guidelines into a single document for languages like Visual Basic, enabling developers to readily adopt them or use them as a foundation for creating their own standards. However, this practice hasn’t been extended to .NET. While Microsoft provides some standards on its designated web platform, accessing these mandates often requires sifting through various web pages, lacking illustrative examples.

The primary objective of this book is twofold: first, to consolidate the dispersed standards found on the website; second, to enhance these guidelines with supplementary directives. Additionally, this book draws insights from Microsoft’s code inspection tools, including the Visual Studio Analyze utility and StyleCop.

The contents of this book comprise a dynamic collection of standards. Chapters include Project Setup, Assembly Layout, Naming Standards, Coding Style, Internationalization, Localization, the Importance of Globalization, Effective Class Design in Object-Oriented Programming, Application Architecture, Defensive Programming, Development with Visual Studio, Third-Party Tools and Extensions, and more.

Adherence to uniform coding standards empowers your team to generate code of superior quality and performance. Every team should possess an encompassing manual of coding standards. Strive for consistency in your project’s source code, enabling a seamless illusion of a singular developer’s work. This fosters enhanced comprehension and expedites the process of incorporating new features or rectifying issues. The adoption of standardized coding practices, as delineated in this book, facilitates the rapid integration of new team members, particularly when coupled with a well-structured architecture.

In addition to comprehensive coding standards, I also provide pragmatic real-world suggestions based on my over two-decade tenure in this industry. Beyond coding standards, this book delves into topics such as code quality, practical coding challenges I’ve encountered (backed up by real stories), and a plethora of other subjects.
In its 8th edition, this book covers an evolving set of standards that now includes over 230 new pages! New chapters encompass Mastering Memory Management, Crafting an Exceptional User Experience, Code Quality as a Fundamental Feature, Real-World Coding Issues, and more! I rely on this book every day, and I hope you will too. This book is designed for use with Visual Studio 2022, C#, and .NET 8.

Whether your team needs to implement standards or enhance current standards, then this book is for you! I use the information in this book every day, and I hope that you and your team will too.

How To Purchase

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If you or your team require assistance with implementing standards, conducting code reviews, or any related tasks, kindly reach out to me through the link below.

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Articles about coding standards: